Breaking Boundaries
Hello Everyone, I am super stoked and proud to release the first episode of **breaking boundaries**. An interview-style videocast and podcast. The goal of #breakingboundaries is to interview everyday heroes to share their learnings, wins, and struggles in the search for a more diverse and inclusive landscape, both within and outside the workplace. My hope is that through these discussions, all of you can see that each and every one of us can do something to be a part of this journey to a more inclusive tomorrow. We would love your support and feedback as we embark on this journey. Everything about this video is off the cuff, no scripts, just a conversation. Because more of us need to have conversations to promote diversity and an inclusive mindset.
Breaking Boundaries
E4.4 Soundbites: Your responsibility to the future generations
Umesh Lakshman
Ep4: soundbites: Your responsibility to the future generations with Alejandra